Photography Lessons By:
Pardini Photography |
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is a chance to learn what you would like to know with our
private sessions. We offer private sessions to give
you the opportunity to learn hands on and one on one, so you can
maximize your photography skills! With photography
lessons, you can take better photographs and bring your skills
to the next level! We will custom tailor our session to
fit the areas that you would like to learn!
Camera Loan If Needed DSLR: $30.00 / Point and Shoot: $15.00 Basic Session Outline: During our basic two-hour session, students tote along their own cameras to learn the basics of their menus, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, and depth of field. Instructors also touch upon concepts of composition as they apply to picturesque subjects and devote time to answering questions and guiding hands-on practice. Most classes will be walking tours around a picturesque location, or we can bring a studio to you. Students should bring their camera, a pen/paper and a sense of adventure! This is an outline of a typical workshop: *Meet and Greet *Camera show and tell and camera basics *General camera setting overview and how to take the camera off auto/program modes *Photography is painting with light: Shutter speed, Aperture, ISO settings *What is histogram and what to look for *Using a flash *After learning how to navigate the multiple settings, students will take a walking tour around the picturesque location to explore the natural world through their lenses. The hands-on experience allows students to take home artfully composed shots of plants, trees and flowers bathed in natural light or trees planking over rolling hills.
Send us an email to schedule a session! We accept PayPal checkout and can send you an invoice!