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Pardini Photography |
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About Us:
In 1998,
Craig met his soul mate, Kathy Ireland and then got hitched less
than 9 months later. In 1999 the name Pardini Images was
changed to Pardini Photography and Weddings. Since Y2K, the
team of Craig and Kathy made many differences in people's lives
by documenting special once in a lifetime moments with
excellence! Craig and Kathy are always continuing to add to
their knowledge on the latest cutting edge photography
technology. Craig and Kathy decided to further their
passion of photography and started private instructional
sessions and lessons. In late 2008, Craig started instructing a photography class for individuals with autism. In 2009, Craig was inducted into the IFPO Photographers Hall of Fame. In 2010, Craig finished his first book titled 'Bridal Guide to Wedding Photography’. In 2014, Craig published his second book titled ‘Photography Tips and Techniques’. Kathy has the eye for detail and the concept of ensuring everything looks as perfect as it can be. Kathy is also a master in photo editing and has the personality to put our clients at ease. Craig and Kathy are true visionaries in the art of 'painting with light'!
Publications For Sale:
Bridal Guide to Wedding Photography' on Amazon!
Tips and Techniques' on Amazon!
Check out our wedding photography website at: